Fang dragons: actually gray dragons, a variety of chromatic dragons.Dzalmus: three-headed dragons native to the Hordelands.Deep dragons: actually purple dragons, a variety of chromatic dragons.Cobra dragons: greedy, evil dragons known to live in Kara-Tur.Brainstealer dragons: underground-dwelling mixes of dragons and mind flayers.Air dragons: extremely rare dragons native to the planet Coliar.These dragon types did not fit into a single category. Lung dragons Dragons of the land of Kara-Tur, most of whom were charged with carrying out tasks for the Celestial Bureaucracy. They spent most of their time on the Inner Planes. Gem dragons Gem dragons were aloof and self-centered, keeping to themselves and remaining neutral. Those that remained in another plane long enough were radically altered by its nature or its denizens. Planar dragons Sometimes dragons lived and bred in otherworldly environments. Metallic dragons Metallic dragons were inherently good. With the advent of the Cult of the Dragon many chromatic dragons were tempted to become dracoliches. Chromatic dragons Chromatic dragons were inherently evil. The term " true dragon" referred to dragons that became more powerful as they aged. True Dragons įive chromatic and five metallic dragons. It consisted of numerous types of dragons, as well as lesser creatures related to dragons or descended from them.