In the Mojave Wasteland, they can be found in small amounts throughout the region, but no town is completely dedicated to them. Sometime in 2242 marked the end for both Broken Hills and Gecko as they relied on the selling of and using of uranium that was mined. Though problems with equality continue, ghouls are increasingly seen as equal members of society, though their numbers steadily dwindle. This has led to a great migration and the eventual founding of a number of ghoul and ghoul-friendly settlements, including Broken Hills in 2185, the NCR state of Dayglow around 2189, and Gecko in 2235. It would finally be destroyed and most of its population killed in a retaliatory expedition by the super mutants, sent to the city after the Vault Dweller raided the Vault and recovered the water chip, eliminating the super mutant garrison in the process. The recovery operation failed, but Unity established a stronghold in the town to ensure Set's cooperation and watch for humans. After many ghouls were killed in the assault, Set negotiated peace with the super mutants, after explaining that the ghouls are indeed the vault dwellers.

The city would eventually decline, starting with the attack by Unity in 2157, who expected to find an unopened Vault in the ruins of the city. Less than a year later, in 2084 Set wrestled control of the settlement from the original overseer and instituted his own reign, characterized by delusions of grandeur. In California, ghouls were the first group of survivors to begin rebuilding civilization – the inhabitants of Vault 12 beneath Bakersfield founded the Necropolis in the summer of 2083. Necropolis, the single largest ghoul city in New California until 2162. Its known side effects are why Hancock sought out the last remaining dosage. There was also an experimental radiation drug being tested somewhere in the Commonwealth. The bulk of ghouls emerged as a result of the Great War, although there are cases of some using controlled exposure to radiation to ghoulify themselves and ride out the upcoming war.

The history of ghouls is a mixture of suffering and plight.