Only downvote if someone's not contributing to the thread, not just because you disagree with what they have to say.Personal attacks and offensive comments are not allowed.Images will be removed (please post these in a self-post if it is important).Do not blogspam (contribute to the community as much as you link your own site!).Duplicate posts will be removed (Search before you post).Posts must have Windows phone as the central subject.Direct USB synchronization is not supported for Windows Phone 7 or Windows Phone 10 Mobile devices.Welcome to /r/windowsphone Important AMA's: Mary Jo Foley/Dan Rubino/Brad Sams Joe Belfiore Rules at a glance Please Note: Direct USB synchronization is not supported for Windows 8 tablets like the Surface RT and Surface Pro. Once DejaOffice is done syncing it will say Synchronization Complete. After CompanionLink is done processing you will see processing on the Windows 8 phone.Connect your Windows Phone 8 device to your computer with the USB cable when prompted by DejaOffice.Open DejaOffice on your Windows Phone 8 device and tap Sync.Start with your USB cord NOT connected to the Windows Phone 8 device.Optional: Configure DejaOffice to sync with the native Windows Phone 8 People app.

Open DejaOffice, then tap Settings, then Sync Settings.