Zombies Ate My Neighbors Ported to the Switch It was developed by Lucas Films and not originally intended to be a sequel. The sequel, Ghoul Patrol, was released a year later in 1994. It was available for both the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and the Sega Genesis System. Zombies at my Neighbors was originally released in 1993 by Konami.

Original Release of Zombies Ate My Neighbors I even downloaded an emulator recently to try playing it on my PC! Unfortunately, the emulator gameplay was a bit wonky, and you’re not supposed to stream emulated games, so I gave up. Over the years, I considered finding a way to play Zombies again. Unfortunately, my SNES stopped working a long time ago, and I don’t even remember what happened to all the games I had for it. You can absolutely blame this game for all the children who tried going the wrong way on public escalators!

We adored the shopping mall level, where we had to run up the “down” escalator to save a baby, so much that we tried to recreate it every time we saw an escalator in real life, much to our parents’ consternation. I used to play Zombies Ate My Neighbors with my brother and sister when I was in grade school. So when Nintendo ported one of my all-time favorite Super Nintendo Games, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, to the Switch, I had to grab it.