Gearbox has always tried to be funny with Borderlands, but their efforts were obnoxious and infuriating. Tales From The Borderlands is actually funny So, instead, this piece will solely compare the humour and characterisations. That job opened his eyes, and challenged everything he believed about life, and death.Now, there’s no point in talking about gameplay as Borderlands is a shoot-em-up while Tales From The Borderlands is a graphic adventure focused on narrative and choice. "Big Al" - Before he went to medical school, Don Clark worked with developmentally-delayed patients in a group home in Philly. A true story by the writer and performer Kyle Bowen. Kyle Bowen is a real life graduate of the San Francisco college of Mortuary Science, and has worked as a mortician for over 15 years. "Flesh-Eating Bacteria" - An apprentice mortician spends his first night alone with a body and finds out how the dead can possess the living. Help is on the way - she hopes. Valerie’s story comes to us from the book Trucker Ghost Stories, edited by Annie Wilder. She thinks she might not be able to get out, when she sees two headlights coming to her through the storm.

"Cowboy Ghost" - Valerie is lost in a snowstorm in rural Montana. But don’t worry: we still want to believe. We have come to the Final Act of Spooked. You can also listen on Luminary or the Luminary mobile app. To listen to all #Spooked episodes as they’re released, subscribe to the Luminary channel on Apple Podcasts. Produced by John Fecile, original score by Renzo Gorrio But one man is determined to figure out how Robert got his powers. He can curse you and ruin your life if you disrespect him. “ Robert the Doll” - Robert the doll is infamous. Produced by Eliza Smith, original score by Davey Kim Daniel is the cohost of SpectreVision's Visitations Podcast. But he’s about to question reality.Ī big thanks to Daniel Noah for sharing this story with us. "Room 324" – A film producer visits one of the most iconic haunted places in the world: The Stanley Hotel. In this episode, we take you to the Stanley Hotel and introduce you to Robert the Doll. Produced by Alyia Yates, original score by Lauryn Newson Thank you, Mike, for sharing your story with the Spooked.

Every time he sees a crow, it seems like it’s trying to tell him something: to watch out, to beware. Produced by Anne Ford, original score by Maryam Qudus Thank you, Dan, for sharing your story with us!

Dan Cope is about to discover another, more sinister omen… with deadly consequences. We all know the old wives’ tales: don’t walk under a ladder or you’ll have bad luck don’t step on the crack or you’ll break your mama’s back. Enjoy! Crows talk to each other about everything-where to find food, where to roost, when to migrate. This episode, from Season 5, was formerly subscriber-only.